Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Road Trip Wednesday: Reincarnation as a Fictional Character

YA Highway asked, for their weekly RTW question, "If you could be reincarnated as any fictional character, which would it be?"

Well, firstly, I like my life. So instead of being reincarnated, I want to be reinvented. Just wake up one day, and I'm someone else, from my personality to my looks to my inhibitions.
It's a no-brainer that I want to be Margo Roth Spiegelman from Paper Towns.
I'd love to be Margo Roth Spiegelman because she's socially-successful in the weird mating dance we call high school, because she's funny and creative, because she's a writer, and because she has more chutzpah in one electric-blue-painted fingernail than I have in my entire body.
Maybe we could restructure the storyline so that the characters all live in a subdivision of San Diego, though, and not Orlando. I find it hard to believe that such lively, wonderful people like Q and Radar could live in Florida. Florida is a great place to live...if you're a mosquito.


P.S. Are we limited to only books? Can I be Lara Croft?

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