TWFT was lucky enough to snag an interview with the lovely Laura Wiess, author of books SUCH A PRETTY GIRL, LEFTOVERS, and the recently-released HOW IT ENDS (actually, it’s out today!).
TWFT: Summarize HOW IT ENDS in ten words
or less.
Laura: How love ends, begins
and discovering loved ones’ dark secrets.
(TWFT Note: This is the actual
synop.: All Hanna’s wanted since sophomore year is Seth. She’s gone out with
other guys, even gained a rep for being a flirt, all the while hoping cool,
guitar-playing Seth will choose her. Then she gets him – but their relationship
is hurtful, stormy and critical, not at all what Hanna thinks a perfect love
should be.
Bewildered by Seth’s treatment of her and in need of understanding, Hanna decides to fulfill her school’s community service requirement by spending time with Helen, her terminally ill neighbor, who she’s turned to for comfort and wisdom throughout her life. But illness has changed Helen into someone Hanna hardly knows, and her home is not the refuge it once was.
Feeling more alone than ever, Hanna gets drawn into an audio book the older woman is listening to, a fierce, unsettling love story of passion, sacrifice and devotion. Hanna’s fascinated by the idea that such all-encompassing love can truly exist, and without even realizing it, the story begins to change her.
Until the day when the story becomes all too real…and Hanna’s world is spun off its axis by its shattering irrevocable conclusion.)
Bewildered by Seth’s treatment of her and in need of understanding, Hanna decides to fulfill her school’s community service requirement by spending time with Helen, her terminally ill neighbor, who she’s turned to for comfort and wisdom throughout her life. But illness has changed Helen into someone Hanna hardly knows, and her home is not the refuge it once was.
Feeling more alone than ever, Hanna gets drawn into an audio book the older woman is listening to, a fierce, unsettling love story of passion, sacrifice and devotion. Hanna’s fascinated by the idea that such all-encompassing love can truly exist, and without even realizing it, the story begins to change her.
Until the day when the story becomes all too real…and Hanna’s world is spun off its axis by its shattering irrevocable conclusion.)
GIRL could be considered edgy YA fiction. Have you experienced any criticism
for writing about difficult subjects like child abuse, or has most of the
response been positive?
Laura: The reader email for
both books has been overwhelmingly positive, and include many personal stories
of childhood sexual abuse, the scars left, and the triumph of the survivors.
The courage and spirit in these letters is both amazing, and humbling.
Are Such a Pretty Girl and Leftovers
for everyone?I don’t know. The stories weave together love and betrayal, terror
and desperation, passion and ultimately hope but these girls and the problems
they face are not white-washed or sanitized. They’re in trouble and their
trouble is real, so finding their way through isn’t always pretty. What I hope
the stories are, though, is honest and true to the characters.
TWFT: Speaking of, what draws
you to the kinds of (often emotionally heavy) themes you explore in your
Laura: The characters (like
Meredith in Such a Pretty Girl or Hanna in How It Ends) who show
up (in my mind) wanting something desperately or caught in bad situations draw
me in every time, probably because I believe that ignoring the painful,
difficult or ugly parts of life doesn’t solve anything or make the issues go
away; it only isolates the people going through them, and so I write to
discover the why behind the choices we make, and to try and make sense
of the way we treat each other.
When my imagination connects with something
disturbing – cruelty, abuse and/or neglect of kids, animals and the vulnerable
– it pulls me into that dark corner and whispers, Look Laura, pay attention.
What if this was you? Yes, it’s terrible and terrifying but just because you
don’t want to think about it doesn’t mean someone somewhere isn’t living it
right this second. Look, listen, and maybe you’ll learn something.
TWFT: Career-wise, did you ever want to
be anything besides an author?
Laura: No. This is my dream
career come true.
TWFT: Then what first
inspired you to become a writer?
Laura: Reading. There’s
nothing I love more than getting lost in a compelling story unless it’s running
with great characters, getting totally emotionally involved, learning new
truths or views about life and discovering answers for questions I never even
knew I had. It’s exhilarating.
TWFT: So if you could bring
any fiction character (book/movie/tv) to life, who would it be, and why?
Laura: Just one, when I love
so many? This is torture because if I say Anne Shirley, then I can’t say Moll
Flanders. If I say the vampire Cole from A.M. Jenkins’ book Night Road,
then I’m leaving out Mame Dennis from Auntie Mame or Thomas in Sherman
Alexie’s Smoke Signals or James Herriott or Ben in Stephen King’s It
or Jamie and Claire in Diana Gabaldon’s Dragonfly in Amber or any one of
the thousand other fictional characters I’ve fallen in love with.
You see my dilemma. (I am eternally hopeless
this way.)
TWFT: In terms of the
unexpected, what are the worst/best thing that have come along with the whole
publishing process that you hadn’t foreseen?
Laura: Well, rejection is
never fun but it’s always a possibility, so you work hard to make the story the
best it can be, wait for an answer and if rejection happens, to deal with it.
Also, the timeframe between having a manuscript accepted for publication and
how long it takes for the actual book to hit the shelves is useful but at the
same time, highly nerve-wracking.
The best parts? Getting a call from your agent
with a publishing offer. Opening your box of author’s copies and seeing the
story that began in your brain as a tiny spark of a question now in beloved
book form. That moment is pure gold. The only thing better is getting an email
from a reader that says Wow, I just read your book in one sitting and it
totally blew me away. Incomparable.
TWFT: Now for the ceremonial
last question: What’s your favorite flavor jellybean?
Laura: I’m really bad at
choosing just one of anything (see above) but I think it’s green apple. Or
blueberry. Although coconut calls to me, too…
Thanks for the great interview, Laura! You can
contact Laura Wiess via her site, her LJ,
her blogspot blog, her facebook, or her myspace.
You can also order her new book, HOW IT ENDS, on Amazon or B&N.
Or, you know, you could enter the TWFT contest
here for a copy.
- linda
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